pumpkin etc) storage. There’s also the potential to extend the shelf if needed. An interior fly-netted space will eventually be added for meat hanging (salamis, prosciutto).
Yet another tragic rabbit story to report this month. Security in the hutch housing an adult female and 3 kits was breached, and they all escaped into the night. When I went to feed them in the morning, one was lying dead in front of the hutch, mutilated. A second was dead in the next paddock and a third in the animal shelter. The adult rabbit returned whilst we were taking in the carnage, and practically ran into my arms. She looked like she’d been in a fight but seems to have recovered. Peter believes it to be the work of wild cats, which we sometimes see. It was so excessively cruel and unpleasant, and deeply upsetting. At least I feel a little bit more justified in keeping them in hutches/runs safe from predators.
The veg garden is still beautiful, but still only to
me. It’s untidy but productive, though
there has been a little bit of clearing up.
The potatoes are harvested and the beds thickly sowed with pea
seeds. The hedge cuttings have now been
planted around the beds, even the box which is painfully slow growing, so the
cuttings are still tiny. Hopefully
they’ll take off. There aren’t enough
lavender plants so I’ll take another batch of cuttings to complete the
circle. The globe artichokes have been
stunning, and many of them have been left to flower to be enjoyed by the
bees. Beans have been picked and eaten
or blanched and frozen. Pumpkins are
maturing and carrots are BIG (eat your heart out Karyn!). Tomatoes have been roasted with onions,
garlic, herbs, seasoning and a sprinkle of honey, then blitzed into sauce and
frozen in jars. Courgettes and marrows
persist, mostly being fed to the appreciative chooks. The asparagus ferns are still alive, maybe even flourishing,
so hopefully will crop in the next few years.
It’s indeed a busy time of year and I’m looking forward to putting a big chunk
of the veg garden to bed over winter.
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