It’s been a sleepy old month for the garden. At least, most of it has had a rest from me. I’ve begun the mammoth task of tidying up the horse arena beds (and paths), but rampant weeds are still mocking me whenever I dare look. The beds around the house are equally in need of a bit of attention. And the fruit trees are on a countdown to a serious haircut – awaiting a visit from chief-pruner Derryn.
An old outdoor toy box that we inherited when we moved here has been transformed into a cold frame by the talented Peter. We used to store outdoor toys in it, then as they became less used and less of them, it became storage for plant pots and other garden junk. Now the base shelf has been raised and it has a clear plastic lid. Fantastic - I've never had a cold frame before, and am sure that in the past I've created another level of transplant shock for millions of plants on numerous occasions. And yes, that is what passes for Peter dancing. It's as good as it gets...
There's still some grazing left for the stock, but we've started putting a bit of hay out, especially on frosty mornings. The cows really love their hay, but the sheep aren't bothered. It remains a mystery as to whether there will be the pitter patter of tiny hooves, though we live in hope. Walter has been spending some time with another flock of gorgeous girls. We’re looking forward to his triumphant return - hopefully his manhood will be proven quite soon.
The ginger foliage in Madame Cholet has finally died back. It won’t be dug up this year. Instead, there’s been a little bit of bandicooting, but most of the tubers will be left to grow again in summer. The barrel will be nourished with comfrey tea and compost. In spring the other barrel in there will be planted with turmeric.
The bees are still buzzing around, but I can only guess what’s happening inside. There are no dead bees at the hive entrances at least. There was lots of activity around the new split one sunny day. That nuc only had drone brood when last checked, so hope they’re planning a new queen for themselves rather than being robbed out. The miticide strips have been removed from all the colonies, and they all had plenty of food supplies. I’ll check again in a few weeks to make sure they’re still well enough fed, but otherwise all is pretty quiet on the bee front. The ApiNZ conference is coming up in a month, so I’m still managing to spend quite a lot of time immersed in bee-talk.
Our baby Billy turned 18 on June 17th. We didn’t see or talk to him on the day as he’s on his Outward Bound course. We sent him a shoe box parcel of silly and food treaty stuff, and can’t wait to see and spoil him very soon. He wants a voucher to go sky-diving in Queenstown. Now that's a curious take on the old proverb about giving your child wings to fly!
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