We also had a belated Christmas celebration with Sam and Molly, who rolled up in a campervan in early January. We travelled with them to lovely Picton for a couple of nights, for a spot of fishing (at Karaka Point), mini golf, shopping and eating. We got stuck into decorating the Christmas Cake and had a crack at distilling hydrosols in their new still that travelled here with them. Pine and rose water worked pretty well, but the pear brandy, distilled from some of my dodgy bottles of pear wine was less successful, though distinctly alcoholic at around 70%. Probably we have a little more to learn about this distillation business.
I had an extra summer break, courtesy of my old mate Roz, in Wanaka. I was there with the express intention of absorbing her fine wisdom and depth of knowledge about hypnobirthing. I stayed at her place, enjoying fabulous views of Lake Wanaka and its surrounds. We got out and about in Wanaka too, including a number of walks around the lake. It was a relaxing tonic, and productive in terms of learning.
A storm while I was away in Wanaka unleashed the Grannie Smith apple tree outside the sleep-out from its stakes. It's been down before, so undeterred it was propped back up again and re-secured with extra baling twine. Then there was another storm, and this time it fell to the ground in the opposite direction. Bugger. I've propped it and secured it back up again, but with somewhat of a heavy heart. It'll have to be made of seriously tough stuff to survive. I've given it a Karyn-style prune and am keeping my fingers crossed.
The orchard has fared much better in the stormy weather, though there's lots of fruit on the ground. No pigs to feed this time, so alas most of it will rot where it fell. Happily there's heaps still left on the trees. Maturing nicely are loads of pears, nashis, damsons, apples, plums, and others I've forgotten. The greengages are just about ripe and this lovely specimen was the test sample. As stupendous as ever. I'll give them a few more days then swoop.
Vegetables are on tap and it's forever a pleasure to go and pick fresh for the table. The broccoli is mostly all harvested, blanched and frozen. I've had a bash at pickling beetroots using my own apple cider vinegar and they're absolutely delish, especially with feta cheese. Mmmm. There are zillions more so I'll definitely preserve again. Garlic, peppers, beans, greens, peas and zucchini are also on the menu, and it won't be long before they're joined by tomatoes, cucumber, leeks, sweetcorn and caulis, and whatever else is out there.
Madame Cholet is doing a fine job of nurturing rockmelons. The hot temperatures seem to ramp up their growth and I even managed to get round to pruning back the lengthier vines. Now there are several fruits forming. Raspberries make flavoursome snacks when I'm gardening, and occasionally some blueberries and strawberries even make it into the house.

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